LG Gemini tower is located in east changan street, Beijing's bustling jianguomen business circle, is a collection of office buildings and shops in the integration of high-tech, high intelligence, high quality, leading the fashion trend of the comprehensive international building, is a landmark building on east changan street has significant characteristics.
LG Gemini building adopts the world's advanced air conditioning system, flexible control of temperature and ventilation, ensure that the office space has a comfortable and pleasant temperature and fresh air 24 hours, advanced network floor to solve the wiring problem of customers, IBS building intelligent system, to create extraordinary office environment and feelings for customers.
LG Gemini tower is a 5A grade office building, which is composed of office building and shops. The building is 140 square meters high, covers an area of 7052.40 square meters, has a construction area of 150,000 square meters, a standard floor area of 1720 square meters, 30 floors on the ground, 4 floors underground, and combines office and entertainment.
商 城:世贸天阶、侨福芳草地购物中心、国贸商城、中海广场购物中心、银泰中心购物中心
餐 饮:那家小馆(永安里店)、北京小王府私家菜馆、义气烤肉餐吧(双井店)、眉州东坡酒楼(永安里店)、北京双井本家韩国料理、星巴克(建外SOHO店)、北京亮酒吧
酒 店:北京京伦饭店(日航)、北京建国饭店、北京华彬费尔蒙酒店、北京广播大厦酒店、北京赛特酒店、布丁酒店(国贸店)
银 行:北京银行(国贸支行)、交通银行(永安里支行)、中国建设银行(建国门外大街支行)、招商银行(建外大街支行)、中信银行(长安支行)、上海银行(北京分行)、中国工商银行(国贸大厦支行)
超 市:沃尔玛、华润万家(BLT精品超市)、物美超市(阔速达店)、幸福超市、赛特超市物美(光华路店)、Ole精品超市(双子座店)
地 铁:1号线永安里站
公 交:永安里路口西:1路、9路、43路、58路、120路、126路、619路、668路、673路、000京东运乔建材城快车、夜1路、夜24路。永安里路口北:28路、43路、120路、126路、403路、639路、673路、夜24路。日坛路:1路、9路、43路、58路、120路、126路、403路、639路、673路、804、000京东运乔建材城快车、快速直达专线608路、夜1路、夜24路。大北窑西:58路、夜1路。大北窑南:28路、57路、72路、91路、98路、348路、402路、669路、669路快车、814路、818路、818路快车、846路、848路、938快。日坛路:1路、9路、43路、58路、120路、126路、403路、639路、673路、804路、000京东运乔建材城快车、快速直达专线608路、夜1路、夜24路